Does Your Company POUND or FLEX?

Presented by Connie Missimer

Presentation Slides

For several years I’ve been obsessed by the question: Why are companies so unreflective about their processes, why so "political" and bureaucratic? This workshop, based on Critical Thinking at Work: Does Your Company POUND or FLEX? offers evidence from the social and brain sciences why this may be the case. A better path forward entails going meta - critically thinking about the workplace then testing alternatives to improve internal processes.

Connie Missimer

Connie Missimer is a philosopher and researcher. Her second book, Critical Thinking at Work: Does Your Company POUND or FLEX? offers a theory to explain the unhappiness and inefficiency she saw while working at corporations, and she offers a path forward. She has given popular workshops at O’Reilly Media for the past two years and holds over a dozen patents. She has been influential in the critical thinking community for articles on her empirically-based theory and has conducted workshops both nationally and internationally.

Connie spent 15 years as a researcher at several corporations, including Microsoft and AT&T, where she advised cell phone and tablet partners Samsung, HTC, Microsoft and Google on making their products more user-friendly. She is fascinated by empirical findings, especially strong counterintuitive ones, relating to daily work. She holds an MS in Philosophical Literature, UC Berkeley, and an MS in Human Centered Design and Engineering, University of Washington. Details about her work can be found at

Earlier Event: May 7
Align Your Team With Attention